The world around us is far from perfect –and it was designed that way. So, we can also make it more beautiful…
Paul Hekkert is a researcher, lecturer and strategist who believes in the power of design to transform people and society. After a career of more than 30 years at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft, he knows better than anyone that transformations do not happen automatically. He now gives shape to that belief in various places and in various capacities.

+ Since 2017, I have been Captain of Science of the Dutch top sector for the Creative Industries. My main goal here is to better position the sector by strengthening its knowledge base. We do this by developing programs and agendas, such as the famous Key Enabling Methodologies (KEM) agenda, and in collaboration with many partners.
+ In line with my work for the top sector, I am chairman of the Advisory board of ekip, a European platform (2023-2026) to generate policy recommendations that strengthen the role of the cultural and creative industries in the innovation landscape.
+ In the first half of 2025, I will be a visiting researcher at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di Milano where I will work on “principles for transformation”.
+ As one of the founding members of The Design Village in India, I plan to design content and purpose for (at least) two of their master programs in the coming years.
[ABOUT] I have spent most of my career at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering in Delft (1993-2024), internationally regarded as (one of) the most influential and prestigious design research institute(s) in the world, where I was chair of the Industrial Design department (2010-2015) and headed the Design Aesthetics group (2006-2022). Our research was geared towards a profound understanding of how artefacts (can) influence human-product interaction, human experience, the way we live our lives, and impact our (social) environment. In 2011, I received a VICI award from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to develop a Unified Model of Aesthetics, expanding and concluding two decades of research on aesthetic principles.
My current research interest concentrates on the role of design in major social transitions in such diverse areas as democracy, sustainability, food, or health care. I firmly believe that designers have a range of special skills (e.g., imagination), capabilities (e.g., reframing) and methods (e.g., Vision in Product design) that make them perfectly suitable to shape transformation processes. My research interest thus revolves around disciplines such as social design, social innovation, systemic design, and value-driven design.
In 2020, at the 178th Dies Natalis of Delft University of Technology, I had the honor of delivering the Foundation Day lecture, together with the unmatched Dutch musician Spinvis. You can find this lecture, “The beauty of doing the right thing”, here, and the rector magnificus starts introducing me at minute 15:25. The lecture ends at 55:35, so be prepared!
Beyond academia, I do consulting work spanning a wide range of areas, from front-end innovation to project management, with a particular emphasis on vision formation and strategic planning. I frequently offer trainings and workshops, where I guide organizations through the process of developing forward-thinking strategies. My advisory roles have significant impact on policy making, helping to set agendas that recognize and leverage the value of the cultural and creative industries in addressing complex societal challenges.
I am a fellow of the international Design Research Society and member of their International Advisory Council. In the Netherlands, I am core member of the Sociaal Creatieve Raad (Social and Creative Council).
[PUBLICATIONS] This is just a small collection of my work, links to all other academic publications can be found on my Google scholar page

Designing for Society: Products and Services for a Better World (2019)
Nynke Tromp & Paul Hekkert
In Designing for Society, Nynke Tromp and Paul Hekkert provide a hands-on tool for design professionals and students who wish to use design to counteract social issues….
> Order here

Vision in Design. A guidebook for innovators (2011)
Paul Hekkert & Matthijs van Dijk
Vision in Design strikes a good balance between structuring the process of design while allowing the designers to take a personal position and fully express themselves in producing a product. ViP is both a method and a design philosophy…..
> Order here

Product Experience (2007)
Rick Schifferstein & Paul Hekkert
Product Experience brings together research that investigates how people experience products: durable, non-durable, or virtual. In contrast to other books, the present book takes a very broad, possibly all-inclusive perspective, on how people experience products….
> Order here
For a summary of my theory on aesthetics:
De Universiteit van Nederland Podcast
Why your unique taste isn’t so unique (2022)
De Universiteit van Nederland Podcast
Podcast of the Universiteit van Nederland, Waarom jouw unieke smaak niet zo uniek is (in Dutch)
> Listen here
For my work on aesthetics, I wrote chapters for these two amazing Handbooks:

The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Aesthetics and the Arts (2017)
> More info
For my work on aesthetics, I wrote chapters for these two amazing Handbooks:

The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics (2022)
> More info
[CONTACT] You are welcome to reach out for projects and roles that challenge conventional thinking and drive meaningful change.